ESR Analyzer
Labtron's Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) analyzer employs a technology platform based on the Westergren analysis method and the infrared sensor measurement principle. The ESR analyzer is technically innovative because it is capable of directly detecting the strength of the red cell aggregation, which is the factor that determines the Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR). It has a throughput of up to 80 samples per hour and a measuring range that goes from 1 to 140 mm/h. Because of its technological capabilities, it has a maximum loading capacity of forty samples at the same time, and it can measure in either thirty minutes or sixty minutes, without affecting the variables that are typically associated with conventional ESR testing. The hematocrit is the most significant of these variables. In contrast to more conventional ESR approaches, which assess the aggregation of red blood cells in an indirect manner, this method measures it directly and reports the results in terms of mm/hr. The key kinetics of RBC are recorded by the micro-flow cell in a very controlled testing environment. This allows the micro-flow cell to generate ESR findings that are unaffected by the factors that are often associated with conventional ESR testing methods. Designed with a built-in printer, touch screen, and RS232 interface, along with a huge colour display. In hospitals, clinical labs, and research settings, it is utilised for the study of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate.