FTIR Spectrometer LIR-B10

FTIR Spectrometer LIR-B10 offers gold coated reflecting mirrors to cover maximum light throughput with detection sensitivity with multilayer Ge coated KBr beam splitter specification, aluminum based cast design layout structure, and high intensity, long lasting air cooled infrared source. Designed with 7800 cm-1 to 350 cm-1 spectral range with high S: N ratios of up to 20,000:1. This FTIR executes operations such as scanning, data manipulation, quantitation, reporting, saving, user administration, and more. Features advance FTIR software workstation, adjusted for all versions of windows operating system with specialized IR libraries, real-time device status analysis, modular platform strategy, FDA CFR 21 compliance auto software updating system, Sensitivity detector DLATGS. Equipped with Cube-corner Michelson interferometer, the highly sensitive optical system with collectively patented fixing mirror alignment tools.

Spectral Range 7800 cm<sup>-1 </sup> to 350 cm<sup>-1 </sup>
Resolution 0.85 cm<sup>-1 </sup>
Wave number precision ± 0.01 cm<sup>-1 </sup>
Scanning speed Microprocessor control, different scanning speed selectable
Signal to Noise ratio 20,000:1( RMS value 2100<sup>-1 </sup> to 2000<sup>-1 </sup>)
Beam Splitter Ge coated KBr
Infrared Source High intensity, long lasting, air- cooled IR source
Detector DLATGS
Data System Compatible computer
Dimension 520 × 435 × 255 mm
Weight 24 kg
Power Supply AC 220 V ± 22 V, 50 Hz ± 1 Hz
Interferometer Cube-corner Michelson interferometer
Wave number Accuracy ± 0.01 cm<sup>-1 </sup>
Communication Ethernet interface
Status Diagnose Power on self-check
Certification FDA CFR 21 Compliance
  • Innovative DLATGS software detector for stable response and powerful software workstation with high sensitivity, reproducibility and stability of IR spectral
  • High intensity, long lasting and air cooled IR source
  • Cube-corner Michelson interferometer
  • Standard Ethernet interface communication system and optional wireless WI-FI communication system
  • Numerous specific function software units and standard communication system of Ethernet interface for transferring data with temperature range of 10 °C to 30°C and humidity ≤ 70%
  • Microprocessor control scanning speed
  • Gold coated reflecting mirrors with Ge coated KBr beam splitter
  • Designed with anti-electromagnetic interference property, and electromagnetic compatibility protect from radiation
  • External isolated IR source module and large space heat dissipation chamber design provides higher thermal stability and stable optical interference
  • Multi sealed moisture proof design, multiple sealed interferometer large cartridge with visible window structure
  • Digital filter and network communication technology and 24-bit AD converter technology
Accessories No. Name
1 Gas cell
2 Liquid cell
3 Defused / spectral reflection
4 Single / Multiple reflection ATR, etc.

FTIR Spectrometer has wide applications in the field of science research examination, quality control production, testing and detection in various field.

Wavelength range 180 to 900 nm
Elements per minute 15 elements
Temperature 29 °C
Incident slit 25 µm
Wavelength range ( 3600 lines / mm ) 180 to 500 nm
Wavelength range ( 2400 lines / mm ) 180 to 800 nm
Temperature 20 ~ 28 °C
Elements per minute 26 elements
Monochromator Specifications
Optical type Czerny turner
Resolution ≤ 0.015nm (3600 line grating)<br/> ≤ 0.030nm (2400 line grating)
Focal length 1000 mm
Grating specifications huge holographic grating with 3600 L/mil or 2400 L/mil and 80 mm × 100 mm of ruling area
Wavelength range 195 to 500 nm for 3600 line grating<br/> 195 to 800 nm for 2400 line grating
Solid State Power Specifications
Frequency 27.12 MHz<br/> Frequency stability: < 0.05%
Spray chamber Scott double pass spray chamber
Output power 800 W to 1600 W, adjustable with power efficiency more than 65%
Output power stability ≤ 0.05%
Induction coil 25 mm × 3 ID (ID-internal diameter), equipped with three concentric quartz torch tubes 35 mm ED (ED-external diameter)
Technical Specifications
Suitable sample content range Liquid sample: 0.01 ppm to several thousand ppm<br/> Solid or power sample: 0.001% to 70%
Repeatability short-term stability- RSD ≤ 1.5%<br/> Long-term stability: RSD ≤ 2%
Test speed 5 to 8 elements / min
Limits of detection (LOD, µg/L) for most elements 1ppb to 10ppb
Control Circuit
Photomultiplier tube specification R212 / R928
Negative high voltage -50 to -1000 V
Circuit measuring range (10<sup>-12</sup> to 10 <sup>-4</sup>) A
Signal acquisition VF conversion
X-ray Tuble Glass tube, Ceramic tube, Ripple Ceramic tube: Cu, Fe, Co, Cr, Mo etc., Power 2 kW
Focus Size 1 × 10 mm/ 0.4 × 14 mm/ 2 × 12 mm
Stability ≤ 0.01 %
Tube Current 5 to 80 mA
Analytical Method Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence analytical Method
Elements Measuring Atomic number from 12 to 92 [elements from magnesium (Mg) to uranium (U)] can be measured
Range Simultaneous detector
Content measurement range ppm to 100%
Measureable elements S to U
Detection limit 1 ppm
Temperature 15 ~ 30 °C
Elemental content 1 ppm to 99 %
Analytical Method Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence analytical Method
Elements Measuring Atomic number from 12 to 92 [elements from magnesium (Mg) to uranium (U)] can be measured
Range Simultaneous detector
Content measurement range ppm to 99.99%
Spectral Range 7800 cm<sup>-1 </sup> to 350 cm<sup>-1 </sup>
Resolution 0.85 cm<sup>-1 </sup>
Wave number precision ± 0.01 cm<sup>-1 </sup>
Scanning speed Microprocessor control, different scanning speed selectable
Beam Configuration Dual Channel
Elements ( Measuring Range )
As, Se, Pb, Bi, Sb, Te, Sn < 0.01 µg/L
Hg, Cd < 0.001 µg/L
Zn < 1.0 µg/L
Ge < 0.1 µg/L
Precision ( RSD ) < 1.0
Linear range More than 3 orders of magnitude