Halogen Moisture Analyzer LHMA-A10

Halogen moisture analyzer LHMA-A10 with benchtop design, user can manually open the door of heating chamber for analysis. Incorporated with halogen heating lamp for rapid and uniform heating, it determines the moisture content and dry weight of the test sample. It continuously measures and immediately display the loss of moisture and weight on backlight LCD screen during test.

Range 10 mg to 110 g
Readability 10 mg
Temperature range 40 to 199°C
Communication mode
Heat source Halogen lamp-1
Pan size 90 mm diameter
Operating temperature range 5 to 35°C
Temperature sensor PT-100
Temperature step 1°C
Temperature setting 40 to 199°C by 1°C step
Time setting 1 to 99 min by 10s step
Auto stop 0.1 to 9.9 % within 1 min
Dry residual range 0 to 100 %
Dry residual readability 0.002
Moisture range 0 to 100 %
Moisture readability 0.002
Number of storage data 15
Number of history data 15
Rechargeable battery
Heater part power
Balance part power
Mechanical part machine
Display 5 inch touch panel
Interface RS232
Machine dimension 490 × 360 × 350 mm
Indicator dimension
Operation height
Chamber height
Gross weight 7.5 kg
  • Halogen lamp heating
  • Ergonomically designed pan handle
  • Digital LCD backlight display
  • Locks final test values on display screen
  • Stainless steel chamber
  • Manual setting for temperature and time
  • Easy cleaning after testing
  • Stores previous test data
  • Connection to PC, printer

Used in biology, food, agriculture, pharmacy, textile, dye and research industries for determination of moisture content in the test sample.

Range 1 mg to 110 g
Readability 1 mg
Temperature range 40 to 199°C
Heat source Halogen lamp-1
Range 4 mg to 110 g
Readability 1 mg
Temperature range 40 to 230 °C
Communication mode Cable
Range 2 mg to 110 g
Readability 2 mg
Temperature range 40 to 199°C
Heat source Halogen lamp-1
Range 4 mg to 110 g
Readability 1 mg
Temperature range 40 to 230 °C
Communication mode Wireless
Range 1 mg to 110 g
Readability 1 mg
Temperature range 40 to 199°C
Heat source Halogen lamp-2
Range 4 mg to 210 g
Readability 1 mg
Temperature range 40 to 230 °C
Communication mode Wireless
Range 4 mg to 210 g
Readability 1 mg
Temperature range 40 to 230 °C
Communication mode Cable
Range 5 mg to 110 g
Readability 5 mg
Temperature range 40 to 199°C
Heat source Halogen lamp-1
Measuring range 0 % to 80 %
Resolution 0.001
Accuracy 0 % to 10 % : ± 0.2 %<br/> 10 5 to 40 % : ± 0.5 %<br/> 40 % to 80 % : ± 1 %
Probe length 600 mm
Measurement Object Poultry meat (pork, beef, lamb, chicken, etc.)
Moisture Measurement Range 10% to 90%
Sampling Time < 2s
Measurement Error In The Range 70 to 78%  ≤  1.0%
Sample weight 0.001 to 120.000 g
Weighing range 0.001 to 120.000 g
Moisture measurement range 0.00 to 100 %
Dry weight measurement range 100 to 0.00%
Measuring range 0 to 40 %
Resolution 0.001
Accuracy 0 to 10 %: ±0.2 % 10 to 40%: ±0.5 %
Scanning depth 50 mm
Range 5 mg to 110 g
Readability 5 mg
Temperature range 40 to 199°C
Heat source Halogen lamp-1
Range 2 mg to 110 g
Readability 2 mg
Temperature range 40 to 199°C
Heat source Halogen lamp-1
Range 10 mg to 110 g
Readability 10 mg
Temperature range 40 to 199°C
Heat source Halogen lamp-1
Measuring Element Grain
Moisture Range 3 % to 35 %
Repeating Error ≤ 0.2 %
Measuring Error ≤ ± 0.5 %
Measuring grains 25 types
Measuring range 3 to 80%
Operating temperature 0 to 60°C
Operating humidity 5 to 80%