Table Top Spectrophotometer LTS-A15

Table Top Spectrophotometer LTS-A15 is an instrument with consistent 45/ 0 geometry and visual perpetual color value which completely eliminate the specular light on the surface of the texture for color measurement. Ring-shaped illumination system eliminates the direction dependence regardless of sample position. High accuracy and repeatability is gained by tilted sample or rotating instrument. It is ideal for the color measurement of tomato sauces, automotive interior parts, textiles, coatings, road traffic signs, printing materials.

Wavelength Range 400 nm to 700 nm
Wavelength Interval 10 nm
Sensor High sensitivity silicon photodiode
Light Source LED
Working Temperature Range 0 ℃ to 45 ℃
Measurement Aperture 11 mm
Geometry 45/0 (45 ringed shaped illumination, 0 degree viewing)
Observer Viewing Angles 2°/ 10°
Repeatability Standard deviation within 0.08%<br/> Chromaticity Value; ΔE*ab <= 0.03(When a white calibration plate is measured at 30 x at 5-second intervals after white calibration), Max. 0.03
Inter-Instrument Agreement ΔE*ab within 0.2 (BCRA Series II, average measurement of the 12 tiles)
Illuminants A,C,D50,D55,D65,D75,F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6,F7,F8,F9,F10,F11,F12,CWF,U30.DLF,NBF,TL83,TL84.U35
Color Spaces CIE-L*a*b, L*C*h, L*u*v, XYZ, Yxy, Reflectance <br/> Hunter lab, Munsell MI,CMYK,RGB,HSB
Color Difference ΔE*ab,ΔE*CH,ΔE*uv,ΔE*cmc(2:1),ΔE*cmc(1:1),ΔE*94,ΔE*00,ΔEab(Hunter),555 shade sort
Other Indices WI(ASTM E313-10,ASTM E313-73,CIE/ISO, AATCC, Hunter, Taube Berger, Ganz, Stensby); YI(ASTM D1925, ASTM E313-00,ASTM E313-73); Tint(ASTM E313,CIE,Ganz) Metamerism index Milm, Stick color fastness, Color fastness ISO Brightness, 8 gloss, A density, T density, M density, E density
Standards CIE-15-2004; ASTM-D523; ASTM-D2244; ASTM D2457
Illumination Life time 10 years 3 million test
Interface USB
Screen Size 5 Inches Color Screen
Storage Memory 20000 test results
Battery Capacity Rechargeable, 1000 continuous tests
Power 7.4 V/ 6000 mAh
Dimensions (L × W × H) 350 × 300 × 200 mm
Weight 4.5 kg (without battery)
  • Instrument adopts 45/0 geometry (45 ring shaped illumination, 0 degree viewing)
  • Ring shaped illumination system
  • 20000 test results storage capacity
  • In-built Color QC Software
  • Rechargeable battery with continuous set operation
  • 5 inch color display screen
  • Comply with International Measurement Standards

Widely used in the color measurement in the coating, thin films, plastic, rubber and printed industrial samples like automobile decoration, road signs, plastic floor, color steel plate, home decoration, coal coating, PET film, screen film, reflective film, plastic package, magazine and label.

Illumination system d/8 (Diffused lighting, 8° observation angle)<br/> SCS optical engine (light splitting and integration system)<br/> ETC (real time calibration technology )<br/> SCI (specular reflection included) & SCE(specular reflection excluded) simultaneous measurement
Size of integrated sphere 40 mm, alvan diffused reflection surface coating
Illumination light source CLED
Sensor Dual light path sensor array
Wavelength Range 360 nm to 780 nm
Wavelength Pitch 10 nm
Sensor Silicon Photodiode Array
Grating Method Concave Grating
Illumination system d/0 (Diffused lighting, 0° observation viewing), SCS optical engine (light splitting and integration system), ETC (every time calibration technology), SCI (specular reflection included)/ SCE (specular reflection excluded) simultaneous measurement
Size of integrated sphere 40 mm, alvan diffused reflection surface coating
Illumination light source CLED
Sensor Dual light path sensor array
Illumination system d/8 (Diffused lighting, 8° observation angle)<br/> SCS optical engine (light splitting and integration system)<br/> ETC (real time calibration technology )<br/> SCI (specular reflection included) & SCE(specular reflection excluded) simultaneous measurement
Size of integrated sphere 15.2 cm, alvan diffused reflection surface coating
Illumination light source CLED
Sensor Dual light path sensor array
Illumination system d/8 (Diffused lighting, 8° observation angle)<br/> SCS optical engine (light splitting and integration system)<br/> ETC (real time calibration technology )<br/> SCI (specular reflection included) & SCE(specular reflection excluded) simultaneous measurement
Size of integrated sphere 40 mm, alvan diffused reflection surface coating
Illumination light source CLED
Sensor Dual light path sensor array

Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer

Labtron Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer makes use of the modern in technology. It is acquired after thorough research into the desires of the diagnostic community. It has all the power, performance and speed necessitated in today’s modern laboratory.

Working spectral range 190 to 900 nm
Spectral Bandwith 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 1.0 and 2.0 nm
Wavelength accuracy ± 0.15 nm
Wavelength repeatability ≤ 0.04 nm
Wavelength range 180 - 900 nm
Spectral Bandwidth 0, 0.2, 0.4, 1.0, 2.0nm (Automatic setting)
Wavelength accuracy ≤ 0.15 nm
Wavelength repeatability ± 0.1 nm
Wavelength range 190 - 900 nm
Spectral Bandwidth 0.2 nm, 0.4 nm, 0.7 nm, 1.4 nm, 2.4 nm, 5.0 nm
Wavelength accuracy ≤ ± 0.5 nm
Wavelength repeatability ≤ 0.3 nm(single direction)
Illumination system d/8 (Diffused lighting, 8° observation angle)<br/> SCS optical engine (light splitting and integration system)<br/> ETC (real time calibration technology )<br/> SCI (specular reflection included) & SCE(specular reflection excluded) simultaneous measurement
Size of integrated sphere 40 mm, alvan diffused reflection surface coating
Illumination light source CLED
Sensor Dual light path sensor array
Wavelength Range 360 nm to 780 nm
Wavelength Pitch 10 nm
Sensor Silicon Photodiode Array
Grating Method Concave Grating
Wavelength Range 400 nm to 700 nm
Wavelength Interval 10 nm
Sensor High sensitivity silicon photodiode
Light Source LED

Double Beam UV/Vis Spectrophotometer

Our range of Double Beam UV/VIS spectrophotometers offer long optical path which ensure high accuracy and stability. Its design measures the transmittance of the sample and solvent simultaneously. It is highly precise and performs powerful analysis.

Wavelength range 190 to 1100 nm
Spectral bandwidth 0.5/1/2/4/5 nm
Wavelength Accuracy ± 0.1nm @ 656.1 nm, ± 0.3 nm @ all
Wavelength Repeatability ≤ 0.1 nm
Wavelength range 190 to 1100 nm
Spectral bandwidth 2 nm
Wavelength Accuracy ± 0.1nm @ 656.1 nm, ± 0.3 nm @ all
Wavelength Repeatability ≤ 0.1 nm
Wavelength range 190 to 1100 nm
Spectral bandwidth 1 nm
Wavelength Accuracy ± 0.1nm @ 656.1 nm, ± 0.3 nm @ all
Wavelength Repeatability ≤ 0.1 nm
Illumination 45/0 (45 ring shaped illumination,0° observation angle)
Repeatability Light splitting reflectivity:standard deviation within 0.08% Color values: ΔE*ab<=0.03 (After calibration, standard deviation of 30 measurements on test white board, 5 second intervals) Maximum:0.05
Sensor High sensitivity silicon photodiode
Test angle 60°
Illumination d/8 (Diffused lighting, 8° observation angle)<br/> SCS optical engine (light splitting and integration system)<br/> ETC (real time calibration technology )<br/> SCI (specular reflection included) & SCE(specular reflection excluded) simultaneous measurement
Repeatability Light splitting reflectivity:standard deviation within 0.08%<br/> Color values:ΔE*ab<=0.03(After calibration, standard deviation of 30 measurements on test white board, 5 second intervals)<br/> Maximum:0.05
Sensor Blue light enhanced sensor array
Size of integrated sphere 40 mm, alvan diffused reflection surface coating
Illumination 45/0 (45 ring shaped illumination,0° observation angle)
Repeatability Light splitting reflectivity:standard deviation within 0.08% Color values: ΔE*ab<=0.03 (After calibration, standard deviation of 30 measurements on test white board, 5 second intervals) Maximum:0.05
Sensor High sensitivity silicon photodiode
Test angle -

Single Beam UV/Visible Spectrophotometer

We manufacture highly precise UV/Vis automatic scanning spectrophotometer with wavelength ranging from 190-1100nm. It can perform quantitative measurement, photometric measurement, spectrum scanning, DNA/Protein analysis. It is in demand for its user-friendly operations

Wavelength range 190 to 1100 nm
Spectral bandwidth 2 nm
Wavelength Accuracy ± 0.1nm @ 656.1 nm, ± 0.3 nm @ all
Wavelength Repeatability ≤ 0.1 nm
Wavelength range 190 to 1100 nm
Spectral bandwidth 1 nm
Wavelength Accuracy ± 0.1nm @ 656.1 nm, ± 0.3 nm @ all
Wavelength Repeatability ≤ 0.1 nm
Wavelength range 190 to 1100 nm
Spectral bandwidth 0.5/1/2/4/5 nm
Wavelength Accuracy ± 0.1nm @ 656.1 nm, ± 0.3 nm @ all
Wavelength Repeatability ≤ 0.1 nm